Pea Shoot, Celeriac, Apple and Hazelnut Salad

One of the toughest parts of eating almost exclusively locally in Upstate, NY, is the lack of bright, refreshing, crunchy, raw foods and salads in the colder months. We are overflowing in hearty carrot and squash soups, but there are definitely days I would kill for the snap of a thick slice of fresh cucumber.

This week, particularly with the few amazing days of spring-promised sunshine we've had, I was already dreaming of getting started on my gardens, and craving some food of much warmer months. I did, however, gather at the farmer's market a collection of ingredients that came together for a great salad. When tested on my husband, the review was-- "Refreshing!". Perfect.


by Catie

Serves 4

2 large tart green apples (I used Mutzu apples from Migliorelli Farm)

1 medium celeriac (from Muddy River Farm in Goshen, NY)

Medium handful of pea shoots, about 1 oz (from Two Guys from Woodbridge hydroponic farm, in Hamden, CT)

1/4 cup toasted and chopped hazelnuts

for the dressing:

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

1 TBS hazelnut oil

salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the rough exterior off the celeriac, and cut the inner white part into thin matchsticks. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Have ready a bowl of ice water. When water is boiling, put in cut celeriac and blanch until al dente, about 30 seconds, depending on the size of the pieces. Immediately scoop out with slotted spoon and shock in ice water. Drain and dry.

Cut apples in small cubes. Wash and dry pea shoots.

Put cider vinegar in large bowl. Slowly add hazelnut oil in thin stream while whisking constantly. Season with salt and pepper.

Add celeriac, apple, pea shoots, and hazelnuts to bowl. Toss with vinaigrette.

Gently mound salad on a plate. Sprinkle top with a few more nuts.

5 responses to “Pea Shoot, Celeriac, Apple and Hazelnut Salad”

  1. stevenshawnyc says:

    Those two guys may be from Woodbridge but I got married in Woodbridge.

  2. Amazing. I am so going to make this. And link to it on my blog!

  3. your pictures are really awesome

  4. […] 8, 2010 · Leave a Comment After Catie posted Pea Shoot, Celeriac, Apple and Hazelnut salad a on her wonderful blog A Fork, Knife and Spoon, I realized I need to start posting some salads […]

  5. […] Pea Shoot, Celeriac, Apple and Hazelnut Salad Share | Tags: apples, celeriac, fall, farmers market, hazelnuts, october, recipe, salad Posted 20 Oct 2010 in Recipesby Catie previousGreen Beans with Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette Recipe […]

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Catie Baumer Schwalb is a chef, food writer and photographer, who splits her life between the city and the country. Not too long ago Catie was a New York City based actress and playwright for more than a decade. She has her Master of Fine Arts from the National Theater Conservatory, and her Grand Diplôme in classic culinary arts from the French Culinary Institute in New York City. ... Read More

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