Homemade Mango Lime Soda Syrup

Here is another soda syrup recipe to accompany yesterday’s homemade ginger soda syrup.  Super refreshing and light, making me crave flip flops and sunscreen.  Try mixing a little of both syrups together for mango-lime-gingerlicious beach blanket bingo in a glass.  Who says it’s only april?   HOMEMADE MANGO LIME SODA SYRUP by Catie Schwalb makes… Continue reading Homemade Mango Lime Soda Syrup

Salad Dressing 101

Just about four years ago, Mark Bittman wrote a great piece in the New York Times; A Well-Dressed Salad Wears Only Homemade, and it got me thinkin’.  Why did salad dressings feel like such a mystery?  Why is there usually a huge amount of grocery store real estate devoted to them?  Why are they so… Continue reading Salad Dressing 101