Great Aunt Margaret’s Chocolate Frosting

Aunt Margaret (right) and my great grandmother, on my mother’s graduation day from kindergarten. Their three vastly different expressions are curious, and priceless. My son just celebrated his very first birthday.  I was naturally flooded with an enormous range of huge emotions.  But, instead of being very weepy and nostalgic for the entire month prior,… Continue reading Great Aunt Margaret’s Chocolate Frosting

Leek Bacon and Gruyere Tart

This frenchy-french-french tart has the lusciousness of fall written all over it.  Spectacular for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner, it is also glorious with a crisp green salad.  And it freezes really well.  So with it almost taking as much work to make one as to make two, do just that and stock yourself with… Continue reading Leek Bacon and Gruyere Tart

Technique Tuesday: How to Clean Leeks

    Giant Musselburgh leeks from our garden. Though the few nights of just dipping down to a frost have demolished most of the delicate summer produce in our gardens, this time of year signals that our leeks are starting to reach their sweetest. Cousins of the onion, leeks too are many-layered, and because almost… Continue reading Technique Tuesday: How to Clean Leeks


Though disappearing soon, cherry tomatoes are still adorning the tables of the farmers markets, and a few are hanging on to the vines for dear life in our gardens. I am trying to take advantage of them now as much as I can, as I know that too shortly I’ll be making deals with the… Continue reading happycherrytomatomonday.

Technique Tuesday: DIY Herbal Tea

It always is the case that this time of year is when I finally start to think about drying and putting away some fresh herbs from the garden.  Maybe it is because I am so busy using them fresh in the previous months, or I’m subconsciously trying to put them away as late as possible… Continue reading Technique Tuesday: DIY Herbal Tea

Pitchfork Diaries joins!

How did you possibly live before the quite-brilliant food blog recipe site  It serves as your online library/concierge/personal assistant/curator to help find new recipes from top food blogs, selected just for you and what you are craving, or better yet, what you have on hand at the moment. Launched a few months ago, today… Continue reading Pitchfork Diaries joins!

Freeze some corn! Now!

Glorious cobs of corn will still be around at the farmers’ markets for a couple of weeks.  Sweet, meltingly tender, golden or pearly white, they are never better (or cheaper) than right now.  We eat it with dinner nearly every night for the month when it is at it’s best, just barely cooking it, as… Continue reading Freeze some corn! Now!

Market Watch: Basil

    Basil has definitely arrived at the party.  Bunch upon fragrant bunch are cramming tables at the markets.  Not surprisingly we mostly think green and the same familiar scent and flavor when basil comes to mind.  But there are loads of heirloom varieties that are becoming much easier to track down.  (and grow yourself!)… Continue reading Market Watch: Basil

Roasted Nectarine and Zucchini Salad

  Here is a quick recipe I dreamt up, while on my roasted produce kick this week, using what is in abundance in the gardens and at the market.  Thankfully, it turned out to be heavenly, lick-the-bowl-clean good. There is a magical, sum is definitely greater than it’s parts, result here, as with many very… Continue reading Roasted Nectarine and Zucchini Salad