How to deal with Rhubarb

I love rhubarb.  I love it for it’s old fashioned vibe.  I love it for it’s color, striking tartness, and even for it’s moderate shelf life.  I also love it for showing up so darn early in the spring and sticking around for several months. And I too was at first intimidated by those long,… Continue reading How to deal with Rhubarb

Leek Bacon and Gruyere Tart

This frenchy-french-french tart has the lusciousness of fall written all over it.  Spectacular for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner, it is also glorious with a crisp green salad.  And it freezes really well.  So with it almost taking as much work to make one as to make two, do just that and stock yourself with… Continue reading Leek Bacon and Gruyere Tart

Raspberry Clafouti

There are few things that could get me to turn on the oven in the middle of this oppressive heat wave.  However, much to the dismay of my panting dog, clafouti is one of them. Unlike almost everyone else in the country right now, the red and golden raspberries in our garden are adoring the… Continue reading Raspberry Clafouti

Buttermilk Honey Wheat English Muffins

  I don’t know about you, but I am a tad worn out from all of the high-spirited holidays that have been crammed into the calendar as of late.  Earth Day, Easter, Passover, National Eggs Benedict Day (I wish I was kidding), Arbor Day, May Day, Cinco De Mayo, and even a wedding of the… Continue reading Buttermilk Honey Wheat English Muffins

Breakfast for your Valentine

I remember the first year was operating they offered a somewhat genius valentine’s day package.  It was something along the lines of ready-to-cook surf and turf, fixings for chocolate fondue, a bottle of bubbly, and then parbaked croissants and orange juice for breakfast the next morning.  One click, and you look like an exceedingly… Continue reading Breakfast for your Valentine