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Catie Baumer Schwalb is a chef, food writer and photographer, who splits her life between the city and the country. Not too long ago Catie was a New York City based actress and playwright for more than a decade. She has her Master of Fine Arts from the National Theater Conservatory, and her Grand Diplôme in classic culinary arts from the French Culinary Institute in New York City.
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hey! This looks amazing and I’m planning to make it today 🙂
Just wondering how you made your beautiful garnish, or what other (easier?) garnish you might suggest?
And I LOVE the blog. Really inspiring! I think you’re living the life I wish I had…
Hi Zanthe!!
The garnish was made by thinly slicing turnips (you could certainly use potato, sweet potato, or any root vegetable) on a mandoline, and making thin carrot strips but running a vegetable peeler down the side of a carrot, patting them off with a paper towel to remove excess moisture, and then quickly frying in 2″ of peanut or canola oil on the stove heated to 350. Drain in a paper towel.
Other, less labor intensive, garnishes:
-Fresh Chives: either cut in small1″ lengths, or minced
-Quick fried whole sage leaves.
-A thin round of a baguette, brushed with olive oil, rubbed with garlic and toasted lightly in the oven. Could be topped with a little melted gruyere.
-A light swirl of really good, bright green, olive oil
-or this herb-parmesan crisp I wrote about a few months back (http://pitchforkdiaries.com/2010/02/28/winter-chicken-noodle-soup-with-dill-parmesan-crisps/)
Just adjust the thickness of the soup (more turnip, less liquid), if you are going to use a garnish that is a lot heavier, so it won’t sink. Enjoy!! And a very happy thanksgiving to you!