When I refer to our microfarm, I am talking about just over five thousand square feet of heirloom gardening spaces, that my husband and I have carved out, cared for, slowly added to and greatly benefitted from for the last almost decade. Our home sits on a very rural, mostly wooded, forty-five acres, so… Continue reading The Garden as Scrapbook
Tag: seeds
Pumpkins: More than a pretty face.
Dame Paula Deen, amid mass fan hysteria (hysteria!), posing next to a pumpkin of her likeness (and Cat Cora’s) at the Food Network festival at Chelsea Market a few years back. We were completely unsuspecting shoppers, caught, literally, in the swell. (Not unlike that terrified-looking couple coming out of the fish market behind her.) I… Continue reading Pumpkins: More than a pretty face.
Market Watch: Watermelon Radish
At the Union Square Greenmarket, this past Saturday in Manhattan, I came across giant, stunning Watermelon Radishes. A relative of the Daikon, it is also called Chinese Red Meat, Beauty Heart, and Rose Heart. This is one of the most mild radishes (which, incidentally was the one food I wouldn’t touch as a child),… Continue reading Market Watch: Watermelon Radish
Food of the (near) Future
Despite the fact that I haven’t seen but a mere patch of ground at our home since prior to Christmas, despite the fact that we still have a foot of snow almost everywhere I look, despite the fact that just looking at flip flops gives me chills, the eternal optimist in me spent the balance of the weekend… Continue reading Food of the (near) Future